- -1. About Lord Brahma
The Lord of Creation, Brahma comes forth from Brahman, the universal consciousness or the primordial source of energy that is essentially goodness and joy. Also described as formless, unborn, self- born, invisible, infinite, limitless, eternal truth, pure intellect, neither male nor female, subtle, yet all pervading in nature. – the spiritual essence of all life forms. Our human consciousness is part of this, in the same way as a single drop of water is part of the ocean.
Please note: Brahman and Brahma are often confused. The Lord of Creation, Brahma is born from Creation, Brahman itself.
Symbolism: Brahma symbolises the human consciousness, mind and intellect, without ego, without judgment, without interpretation by means of our human, sensual perception. The picture of Brahma shows a god with 4 faces, indicating the 4 spacial dimensions of the universe (Length, Area, Volume & Time.), and the 4 vedas, the original yogic/hindu texts written by Indian sages. The lotus flower symbolises nature and the living essence of all life forms. The water pot represent the most important substance of creation.
Other names for Brahma are Ishwara or Mahashakti. Brahma is closely connected to Saraswati is his female energetic counterpart, wife or ‘shakti’.
Brahma is not a very popular god these days. He is invoked for wisdom and understanding.Brahma Mudra (gesture of all-pervading consciousness) This mudra is done and
the fingers wrappedaround the
thumbs and the knuckles of both
hands pressed together. The
hands are then lightly pressed
against the pubic bone. Brahma
mudra helps to stimulate a full
breath in pranayama practice.
Brahma mantra – Om Kham Brahma – Meditation for Inner Peace Brahma Kumaris is a famous meditation organisation or also regarded as a Spiritual University that also has a following in Australia.
– 2. About Lord Vishnu:
The Lord of Preservation, Vishnu is the second god of the Hindi Trimurti or trinity. His role is that of the preserver and restorer. He is married to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Vishnu maintains the order in the universe. Krishna, Rama (or Ram ) and Buddha are said to be the human forms of Vishnu. Vishnu is said to have had 10 incarnations Vishnu is associated with the ‘right action’ and the upholder of Hindu values. Vaishnavites are devotees of Vishnu and are on of the largest Hindu sects.
Symbolism: Vishnu is pictured on a vast ocean (ocean of consciousness) and around his head is a hundred headed cobra (representing the many desires of the mind. Vishnu carries a conch shell that represent the om sound and purity in general. Its sound is that of freshness and new hope. This shell is used in many Hindu rituals to invoke a sense of peace and harmony.
People call upon, or invoke Vishnu for patience, calmness, knowledge or protection.
Vishnu Mudra: This is one of the hand gestures used in
alternative nostril breathing, Nadi Shodana, which is all about balance and preservation. Vishnu hand mudra is also about balance, as part of the left hand is partly receiving and partly giving. In this case the right hand is used in opening and closing the alternate nostrils.Vishnu mantra – Om Namoh Bhagawate Vasudevayah is Mantra contains twelve syllables which is also known as Vishnu Mukti Mantra or Vishu Liberation Mantra. This Mantra is a spiritual formula for attaining freedom from worldly desire. This Youtube clip is the beautiful rendition of Deva Premal.
Krishna – This manifestation of Lord Vishnu is more renowned than Lord Vishnu himself. Krishna is known as the Swayam Bhagwan or the supreme God, whose blessings can help one achieve all their desires and protect them from evil.
Radha is Krishna’s lover.
The Hara Krishna movement is probably one of the most famous branches of Hinduism.
The Hare Krishna mantra, also referred to reverentially as the Maha mantra (“Great Mantra”), is a 16-word Vaishnava mantra which is mentioned in the Kali-Santarana Upanishad, and which from the 15th century rose to importance in the Bhakti movement following the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
I really enjoy the reggae version below performed by C.C. White
Hare Krishna, hare krishna, krishna, krishna, hare hare,
Hare Rama, hare rama, rama, rama hare hare.
– 3. About Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva is the most powerful and most respected (third) god of the Hindi trinity Shiva is the lord of destruction and may initially seems strange, but Shiva is also regarded as the patron god of yoga. The mantra Om namah Shivaya is one of the most popular mantras in yoga, Hinduism and Shaivism ‘. The chanting of this mantra is said to remove obstacles in our lives. Shiva is a rather complex character. Other well-known names for Shiva are, Mahadeva (translates as the big god) , Mahayogi (greatest yogi) Nataraja (the dancer). A well-known attribute of Shiva is the red bull, he rides on, called Nandi. Shiva is responsible for death and destruction, but this dissolving is needed in order to allow for new creations, re-creations or regeneration.
Symbolism : The third eye represents inner wisdom and symbolises the destruction of ignorance and evil once they are recognised. The cobra around his neck represents the ego, which once it’s mastered, can be worn as an ornament.The tiger skin represents fearlessness.The crescent moon on his forehead represent timelessness, shiva is the master of time. The drum represents the sound and the words of the Vedas.The trident is a symbol of control over mind, intellect and ego. His body is smeared with ash, as a reminder that everything is temporary, also our own body.